Menu Script


Menu script is a script for MENU_SCRIPT_000 ~ MENU_SCRIPT_999 for the user menu of the SCADA Sever.

Selecting 'File|Script|Menu Script' in the main menu, module editor, or reporter editor in Studio will bring up a dialog box where you can set the menu, as shown <Figure 1>.


<Figure 1> Example of a Menu Script Menu Selection dialog box


 <Figure 1> if you select one of the MENU_SCRIPT_000 ~ MENU_SCRIPT_999 menus and then double-click the button or menu list with the left mouse button, a script editor dialog box will appear as shown in <Figure 2>.


Refer to how to use the editor and how to edit a script, and write a menu script.


<Figure 2> Example of the Menu Script Editor


If you press the delete button in <Figure 1> , you can delete the contents of the created menu script.

 If you press the close button  in <Figure 1> , you can close the menu script screen.


Related Helps)

User Menu (SCADA Sever)

User Menu (Web Server)

How to edit a script

File Menu of Studio

Type of Script

Launch of the Script Editor

Script Main Help